California Driver Ed Online Info

Training to Be a Responsible Driver

The thought that a teen is soon eligible to drive may make parents petrified. But if you ask the teen, getting a license is an exciting lifetime event!

Nonetheless, traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for teenagers. Every one in five 16-year-olds runs into trouble while driving. This leads to the fact that about 5 thousand teenagers die in automobile accidents each year. We have to pay attention to the fact that cars kill more teens than anything else.

Driver’s Ed is a course for new drivers to learn the basic knowledge of driving. On top of the laws and rules, the education also helps instill the sense of responsibility that comes with being a driver on the road. Furthermore, it teaches you to avoid trouble. You don’t run red lights; you avoid the red-light runners. You don’t rush through yield signs; you let the yield sign rushers through. Driver’s Ed teaches defensive driving – the rule of thumb to be safe yourself and stay away from all those flouters who will sooner or later crash.

Another lesson of driver’s education is minimizing distractions while driving. Talking on the phone, eating, drinking, and even listening to music can be as dangerous as falling asleep behind the wheel or driving under the influence.

In addition to buckling up and driving sober, a responsible driver also has the ability to make right choices. A responsible driver is aware of the surroundings, recognizes risks, and avoids potentially dangerous situations.

Sometimes people may feel as if they already know everything there is to know. But history shows that teens can never be taught enough. In fact, it is the DMV that sets the requirement that you must pass Driver’s Ed before you can even apply for the learner’s permit.

The learner’s permit enables you to finally get in the driver’s seat and begin hands-on training behind the wheel. Have a professional trainer take you on the road for the first hour, though. Afterwards, you may have an adult older than 25 supervise you on the road. After six months and a minimum of 50 hours of road practice, you are qualified to apply for the road test. A passing grade on the examination grants you a driver’s license.

Even after you receive your driver’s license, you might be sent back to training if you violate traffic rules. This training, also known as Traffic School, enables you to keep your record clean by completing safety education requirements. You can take traffic school once every 18 months. Each time you take the class, one point will be removed from your record. If you get another ticket within 18 months after taking traffic school, you will not be allowed to take traffic school again. The second point will stay on your record.

Once a traffic point is removed, it is gone forever. However, the ticket still remains on your record, you just don't get a point for insurance purposes. The typical traffic violation will drop off your record after 3 years.